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Edition 5 - iPad Pro is the best consumption device that I have ever owned

I loved my iPad Pro. It was the best device for consuming content that I have ever owned. Despite its limitations, it was versatile and powerful. Although it wasn't easy to create content on it, it was still my favourite gadget for content consumption.

Photo by Daniel Romero / Unsplash

I had a 2018 iPad Pro, that was gifted to me by my wife for my birthday several years back. I recently sold it, and this is my eulogy.

I have owned numerous computers in my life. A Windows desktop, Windows laptop, MacBook, Mac mini, iPad Pro, iPad mini, Windows Phone and the iPhone. The first Desktop PC that I owned in school made an enormous impact on my life and made me the tech nerd that I am today. I loved the first phone that I owned, I loved the music player that I had in the early days of my college, I also have fond memories of the first Smartphone that I owned as well. In the last decade, AirPods have been the gadget that has made the most impact on my life. The iPad Pro has never been such an impactful computer in my life, but the memories of using it give me warm and fuzzy feelings.

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